Sai Charitable Trust is a non-government, not-for-profit registered charity that provides inspiration, fun and opportunities for disadvantaged young people in a positive, healthy, seaside environment.

Our vision is that every child deserves a happy and a healthy childhood. We offer children and young people Inspiration, Fun and Opportunity through diverse programs offered in a wide range of environments. During their camp experience, we provide opportunities for building positive relationships with peers and adult role models to help participants learn and grow. Whatever the program, Take a Break, REEF or Mentor, participants are encouraged to have fun, take risks and explore options in a safe and supportive setting.

We seek to assist young people to develop self-awareness, confidence and resilience, inspiring them to remain engaged in education, family and their community and to achieve their goals.

Now that you’re here, you’re part of a powerful community that supports local organizations that are working to educate children, feed the hungry, preserve our environment, build houses, train women (and men) with job skills, and do hundreds of other amazing things.